Monday 6 April 2009

Recent activity

so on wednesday i went out to covent garden in the evening, good times. had a cocktail with absinthe in it :-).

Thursday i went to bicester village, twas amazing. got two new polo shirts to replace the two i just gave to my dad. got some shorts from TSE, got them at an amazing price. and the piste de resistance....dum dum dummmmm i got a mulberry wallet :-0, amazing. tennis was on in the evening, talking to Tom on fb chat and said i was watching, ended up with me picking him up to come watch it till 2am, very good times. also liz hurley was there opening her first little shop, saw her inside signing autographs, how exciting....

Friday Em sent me a BBM saying did i want to go to camden, and yes i did. she had to get some shirts to turn them into skirts for her online buisness, shes all grown up now. we looked around the stables, its so cool. then we had something to eat and drink above the stables. each little room was an old horse stable, still had the drinking trough and orginal stable door but with nice white leather seats around the edge , so much character.

Saturday didnt really do too much, cousins came around, stayed in.

Sunday Tom came around to watch the final, Murrah won 6-1 7-5, he's now the true world number 3, just needs 150 more points to make it official. match finished kind of early so me and tom decided to go play tennis for a bit

Monday, now, just off to go play some more tennis. been looking online trying to find out when i will see if i got tickets for wimbledon, dont think i have but still going to go queue up and get in a few times this year hopefully. hope my uncle comes through with some tickets for us, he flipping better lol

Tuesday 31 March 2009

Some of my favourite quotes

Lifted straight off facebook, will add more when i can:

"We're all individual, its the one thing we all have in common"

"Better a witty fool then a foolish wit"

"Before marriage, a man 'yearns' for the woman he loves. After the marriage the "Y" becomes silent"

"My wife has just called up that diner is on the table (I'd rather it was on plates, but there you are) - Bill Bryson

" I may be an idiot sir, but one thing i am not sir, is an idiot " Peter griffen

"Like a blind man at an orgy, i was going to have to feel things through"

"like a midget at a urinal, i was going to have to keep on my toes"

" When Chuck Norris is having sex he's always on top because Chuck Norris never fucks up."

Theres a chance you might not like me, theres a better chance i dont give a fuck

"Give him an enema and he could be buried in a matchbox" Christopher Hitchens

Alex to Aoife "this joke is a bit offensive but its ok because i didnt didnt make it up, the potato did"

"It costs a lot of money to look this cheap" Kat Von D


I've been watching the tennis again today, as i did yesterday. Murray won 6-0 6-1, lets see if he can win this masters